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Welcomes YOU

Welcome to the historic site of

The Tribe of the Anishinabek Solutrean Metis

Indigenous Nation of Turtle Island

30 thousand years and growing

Also visit our Indigenous Tribunal site

Turtle Island

Our Nations Name (Anishinabek Solutrean Metis) in syllabics Ojibwa

Aᓂᔑᓇᐯᒃ Sᐅᓪuᑦᕃᐊᓐ Mᐁᑎᔅ Iᓐᑎᑫᓄuᔅ Nᐊᑎᐅᓐ

Totem Pole

Our Purpose

“Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may not remember, involve me and I’ll ("inner-stand")”.

Native American proverb


Our Purpose ..... Is to involve as many people across Turtle Island to rediscover and awaken to who they truly are:

  • to invite all people to reclaim our roots to Mother Earth,

  • to ignite the invaluable knowledge and practices within all people:

  • to once again expand the unity of the ONE for greater wholeness, love, peace and freedom.

                                                                                                            (composed by DeVita for council)

Who are we?

We are an un-treatied, unconquered tribe of WOMEN & MEN

working in community.

We live on Turtle Island, commonly known as North, Central, South America

& the Caribbean,
and do you live on Turtle Island…?

Become involved with us to Reclaim our UN-ceded

land and Natural Resources

We have spent many lifetimes working to reclaim our Rights of Stewardship and Entitlements to a Property in the Soil, including our water, so we can benefit from our Great Creatrix’s Natural Resources, and develop and offer an alternative wealth system to our worldwide Indigenous community, all protected under our Matriarchal law system.


Learn about our ancient and yet modern, NEW, natural health ways.


More about ASMINTI

 Visit our ASMINTI sister site 


Image by Zdeněk Macháček
Ethnic Tapestries

The Seven Grandfather Teachings are the principles of character that each Anishinaabe should live by. Know the Seven Grandfathers Teachings

of Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility, and Truth.

The Seven Grandfather Teachings have always been a part of the Native American culture. Their roots date back to the beginning of time. These teachings impact our surroundings, along with providing guidance toward our actions to one another.


According to the story, long ago, a messenger sent to see how the Neshnabék were living, discovered that the Neshnabék were living their life in a negative way, which impacted their thoughts, decisions, and actions. Some had hate for others, displayed disrespectful actions, were afraid, told lies, and cheated. Others revealed pride or were full of shame. During his journey, the messenger came across a child. This child was chosen to be taught by the Seven Grandfathers to live a good life. He was taught the lessons of Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth, Honesty, Humility, and Wisdom. Before departing from the Seven Grandfathers, they told him, “Each of these teachings must be used with the rest.


You cannot have Wisdom without Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility, and Truth. You cannot be Honest if you are only using one of the other teachings. To leave out one teaching would be embracing the opposite of what the teaching means.” The Seven Grandfathers each instructed the child with a principle. It was then up to the child to forget them, or to put them to use. Each one of us represents the child.


We must faithfully apply the teachings of our Seven Grandfathers to our own lives. We must place our trust in the Creator. We must also never forget to be sincere in our actions, character, and words.


WISDOM (Nibwaakaawin) ~  Wisdom is represented by the Beaver. The teaching of wisdom will allow you to use your inherited gifts wisely and to recognize your differences and those of others in a kind and respectful way. Wisdom nurtures your ability to listen with clarity and a sound mind so this teaching will focus on how to listen.

LOVE (Zaagi’idiwin) ~ Love is represented by the Eagle. Love can be found in the core of all teachings. It is most important and focuses on having peace with yourself, balance in life, acceptance of all things and graciousness with the creator.

RESPECT: Buffalo ~  Respect is often represented through buffalo or plains bison. Respect is shown for the land by all that we do to ensure it is protected for the next seven generations and beyond. It represents the relationship humans have with the land and to honour all that the land is and does for us.

BRAVERY: Bear ~  Bravery is often represented by the bear. Bravery is a Teaching that is given and shown most when we need it. When we stand up for the land, we are demonstrating Bravery to do what is right by its protection.

HONESTY: Raven ~  Honesty can be represented through the raven.

Honesty is a Teaching that starts with one's inner self. It begins with understanding how we can be genuine behind our intentions and how we can practise honesty toward the land and admit where and identify how we can do better to protect it.

HUMILITY: Wolf  ~ Humility often takes the form of a wolf.

Humility is an important Teaching when faced with the reality of our actions and the impact humans have had and still do have on the land. We practice Humility when we own up to our shortcomings and learn from our past mistakes. Wolves are social animals and generally live in packs of three to seven individuals.

TRUTH: Turtle ~ Truth is represented by Turtle. Turtle is the compilation of all the Teachings we’ve been given; it is to know that in order to maintain a reciprocal relationship with the land, we must be truthful with ourselves and with others. We are to seek truth and balance with the land and the species that live on Turtle Island.

The Best way to teach others is through our example.

We inspire courage by being courageous...

We foster love by being loving with all of the brothers and sisters.

There has been a golden rule that has existed throughout all religions because it is simple truth. It can be simply stated: Live in the world the way you want it to be, and treat others as you want to be treated. Be the peace you want to see and feel in the world.

For more visit our Seven Sacred Teachings

Remember: The Seven Grandfather Teachings have always been a part of the Native American culture. Their roots date back to the beginning of time. These teachings impact our surroundings, our way of living, along with providing guidance toward our actions to one another.

  • Wisdom: beaver. ...

  • Love: eagle. ...

  • Respect: buffalo. ...

  • Bravery: bear. ...

  • Honesty: raven. ...

  • Humility: wolf. ...

  • Truth: turtle.

Reading of the 7 Sacred Teachings

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Wisdom: Beaverm
Image by McGill Library
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